Sunday, June 28, 2009

Corporations need to make examples out of corrupt executives and not just lower level employees.

While I'm on a rant of corruption by business executives and others in positions of great trust, or who have been trusted with high security positions.... it amazes me that public companies would hire a such an executive without doing proper due diligence.

How can a person who was walked out of their office with one of the largest multi-brand organizations in the country for alleged corrupt business practices be hired (whether as a consultant or employee) by a trade association this person initially helped build. Then within a year, lands another senior level executive position in the same industry!!! Meanwhile, there are minimally 100 other executive level individuals with high integrity and huge success stories behind them in this same specialized industry, who have been downsized due to economic conditions beyond their control. Who did this company call for a reference on his last position??

Shame on the company that walked this person out of their corporate offices who basically swept the issue under the table to avoid bad press.

Happens on a regular basis, and it's time to start holding executives accountable in a big way.

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