Friday, June 26, 2009

Investors lose millions with SF accountant & Ice Cream Franchisee

Roberto Heckscher, the subject in this story is or was a Baskin-Robbins Franchisee, and while I was at Allied Domecq QSR (Dunkin' Donuts & Baskin-Robbins), Roberto headed the Franchise Advisory Council for the Baskin brand. There would be little argument that he was viewed as the most widely respected voice for the Baskin Franchisees. Roberto was one of the strongest voices of support for my Loss Prevention program when I was at Allied Domecq QSR.

It just never ceases to amaze me how people in responsible positions, or in positions of great trust abuse their positions, or get themselves in these situations. Most times it is greed, and as it seems with Roberto (if the news reports are correct, and he is ultimately found culpable for the losses), he just kept digging himself into a deeper hole, instead of putting down the shovel and coming forward.


  1. I wonder if there's ever been a case where someone was able to "wipe the slate clean" with gambling winnings - or anything else, for that matter.

  2. mijeffmi@comcast.netAugust 7, 2009 at 6:20 PM

    If you can put me together with other victims of Roberto Heckscher's ponze scheme, I would appreciate it. I am his sister and he hit me for 1/2 a

  3. I have been able to help Madoff victims reduce their costs and would love to help.


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